The Stepford Student is Recruiting

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Arm ye the left-leaning masses, and ye shall march into battle against the forces of unregulated market capitalism…

Or something.


In the meantime, The Stepford Student is looking to do more of what we do, and do it better than we’ve ever done it before, so that means that we’re hiring!

We’re looking for Deputy Editors and Columnists to be part of the team behind The Stepford Student, helping to boost our network of writers, boost the reach of content, and make sure that everything we do is always of a top standard.

To apply, please send 500 words with your ideas and any relevant experience to Jack May, Editor-in-Chief, at [email protected] by Sunday 25 October.


Role Descriptions:

Deputy Editor

You’ll be working closely with the Editor-in-Chief to make sure that we’ve always got interesting, well-written, on-the-button content for our readers to enjoy. Your responsibilities will involve commissioning articles, finding writers to work on pieces on key issues, keeping up a focus on promoting work by people from marginalised groups, and coordinating with the Editor-in-Chief on our longer term direction. Ideally, you’ll also write the odd thing yourself, and if something dramatic happens in the middle of the night, we may try and coax you into writing something lightning-fast and turning it round to make sure we’re always on top of our game.


You’ll be sending in regular articles to the editorial team to be published on the website. Ideally, you’ll have written for us before, but don’t worry if you haven’t! We’re looking for engaging writers with style, flair, and a lot of personality behind their work. Above everything else, we’re looking for writers who can really connect with the kind of readers we’re aiming to tract. If you think you’d enjoy this, please send along your idea for a first column along with your application.