
‘Lad culture’ is a pathetic excuse for a much darker problem

Neely Morgan  /  9 Comments

I am a feminist woman who has dealt with more than her (un)fair share of sexual harassment. Yet I still feel like I am being gradually worn down by the term ‘lad culture’ being brandished as the cause of all sexism and homophobia on campus. Everyone has heard of the term ‘lad culture’ yet it is still aggressively mainstream. I believe that this is because lad culture is symptomatic of a greater problem rather than the sole issue itself. Replace ‘lad’ with the word ‘rape’ and here we have the real and depressingly huge issue. Rape culture sounds far more daunting doesn’t it? Yet it is the bleak reality which many universities are totally complicit in.

What is lad culture? We need to separate the more harmful activities within lad culture from the standard aspects of university life. Many people, when they hear the term ‘lad culture’ recoil and defensively enquire “Whats wrong with liking a drink and hanging out with the lads?” Of course, there is nothing inherently wrong with this. However university’s tame attitude towards rape culture allows ‘drinking with the lads’ to fester into something worse. With no zero tolerance policies or noticeable awareness/implementation of these policies there is nothing to stop the harmless aspects of lad culture dangerously spiralling.

The most recent NUS report suggests that only 1 in 10 institutions have a policy covering sexist and discriminatory behaviour in place, while many suggested to the victims to resolve matters ‘informally’ as opposed to seeking help from their institution or the police. Evidently then, universities are still harbouring an alarming reluctance to tackle lad culture for what it is: a weaker strain of rape culture. Here is how I believe we can eradicate sexual harassment on campus:

1. Be Specific

We need to work out which specific parts of lad culture are harmful, then we must name them, then we must stamp them out. As a for mentioned, throwing the term ‘lad culture’ around usually has one of two effects on those it is aimed at. The first being that ‘lads’ who benefit from or enjoy the harmful aspects of lad culture will simply take the piss out of the term and carry on unaffected. The latter being that so-called ‘good lads’, who genuinely don’t act in a harmful way, are likely to feel accused and therefore alienated by it.

For example, one of the key harmful aspects of lad culture is a distain for femininity. Hence why dressing up as a woman, pink fishnets and all, is one of the most hilarious things a ‘lad’ could do. What about using ‘feminine’ girls as fodder to be fucked and chucked in order to impress the lads while simultaneously dishing out abuse to ‘unfeminine’ girls? This attack on the feminine is also responsible, I believe, for the prevalence of homophobia ingrained in lad culture. Due to stereotypes of gay men exhibiting ‘camp’ behaviours – otherwise known as classically feminine behaviours – any man open about his sexuality is inherently more feminine and deserving of the same abuse directed at women.

In this example, the specific problem within ‘lad culture’ is called toxic masculinity. In order to eradicate this particular aspect, we must devote time to understanding how it is learnt and then come up with specific strategies for toxic masculinity to be unlearnt.

2. Empower Those On The Receiving End

All too often the solutions to lad culture revolve around ignored poster campaigns and ineffectual pleading with perpetrators to please, stop harassing women. All the while, those on the receiving end of the harmful aspects of lad culture i.e. sexual assault are waiting patiently for this ongoing onslaught of harassment to end. This is not good enough.

Universities across the UK must introduce zero tolerance policies to sexual harassment (and any other form of discrimination/abuse). Once these policies are firmly in place, serious money needs to be invested in ensuring 24/7 awareness of them. Ramping up awareness of these policies will not only empower more victims to come forward: it will also be a gentle yet firm reminder to potential offenders that sexual harassment will never be tolerated.

Furthermore, universities must ensure the reporting process is sensitive and supportive. This means allowing friends to accompany the victim, BELIEVING THE VICTIM, and treating them with total respect and honesty. It also means treating students reporting sexual harassment from the LGBTPIAQ+ community with the same respect and dignity. In other words, a complete departure from the horror stories of ridicule and alienation that I have been pained to hear about in the past.

3. Take action

They’re called ‘zero tolerance’ policies for a reason. Why should a student who admitted to groping a fellow student be allowed to continue their education in the same institution as the person they assaulted? Why must the victim feel wary, on their own campus, of bumping into that person again? Zero tolerance sets a strong precedent: if one offender is kicked out of uni and reported to the police over a seemingly ‘minor’ incident, such as groping someone, then the campus dynamic is gonna radically shift so that potential/actual offenders are the ones who will be wary rather than their victims.

4. Engage

There are some people (namely but not always cisgender men) who heartily enjoy the benefits of sexism and lad culture, who do not want to see it go. These people are vile and I will not waste any time trying to change their minds. I believe that there is a strong majority of men who do want to help in the fight against sexual harassment on campus. I also believe that we shouldn’t paint these men with the same brush as the former. Doing so will only lead to their alienation from a cause that they would have otherwise been ready to help out in. We cannot let that go to waste.

Ask any woman who calls herself a feminist what the most helpful thing a man can do to be a good ally and she will say ‘call out his friends’. Instead of lecturing sports teams about what consent means, we should be engaging with them and teaching them how to call out their friends behaviour within the realms of lad culture. We need to work together rather than relentlessly taking the piss out of one another.

In conclusion, although  ‘lad culture’ is a useful term for paraphrasing a severe problem behind closed doors, I believe it’s practical use has become too vague and therefore limited. It is my current priority (as Newcastle Uni’s Gender Equality Officer) to pressure my Student’s Union into implementing and raising awareness of existing zero tolerance policies against sexual harassment. I am a firm believer that, instead of endlessly pleading with sports teams to stop binge drinking, sexual harassment can be eradicated through providing it’s victims with easy reporting processes, action against the offender in question and, most importantly, unwavering support.

  • Wow

    the ravings of a lunatic

    • Lucy Neely Morgan

      lol thankyou xx

  • Jugurtha

    Am I a member of the LGBTPIAQ+ community? I’m assuming the “+” sort of stands for “and anyone I forgot to mention…the more the merrier”. Or are some people excluded?
    Serious question.

  • sarah

    I think you write exclusively in meaningless buzzwords

  • Jeb

    The author is clearly a misandrist who has no understanding of how any men think and behave.

  • Ahmed Khan

    One trusts you are not referencing Muslim men in this - who have the upmost respect for not only muslim women , but also non-muslim women who show their hair and fingers . Please make it clear only Caucasian working class males are the problem ,ensure that refugees who come from lands where women are treated as equals are not ‘tarred’ with the same brush as the guilty (and disgusting) white males who speak English and hold doors open for females.

  • Jack Henderson

    This article is full of all your typical feminist assumptions. I’m gay, been out of the closet since I was 14, and I can say with certainty if you believe that anything close to a majority of men (by men I assume you mean male students) are homophobic, you’re dead wrong.

    You even admit that feminists need to shut up for 5 seconds and ask themselves what it even is about “lad culture” that is bad.

    And the main reason men get pissed off at feminists when they “attack lad culture” isn’t so much because we feel accused, or because we’re “evil, cishet, patriarchal scum” who benefit from “rape culture” (you can thank me later for throwing in some Tumblr-speak for your benefit, I’m never doing it again).

    We’re angry because the sort of privileged, whiny teenage girls who lie about being raped on Tumblr for attention are trying to socially engineer us so that we can be acceptable to them and their degrading ideology (anyone who says feminism these days is about equality is deluding themselves). And I’ve seen some feminists’ ideas of what men must do before their existence is sufferable to their matriarchal overlords.

  • LeslieCz

    Is this a satire piece? I can’t tell anymore.

  • david

    If you had your way you would transform your university into a gulag. Any discussion between healthy adult students of even the mere possibility of taking their relationship to a different level would be criminalised and lead to the inevitable rustication of the offending male. It would in any event be too much of a minefield to even contemplate beginning any such discussion. It is many years since I left university after 5 years study during which time not one student was raped by another. Today’s campus must be a miserable place populated by sex starved LGBTPIAQ+ students. Good luck with your interminable hunt for the so called ‘rape culture’ on campus. It is a fiction and you know it.