
The Savage Myth of the Great White Working Class Beast

Nathan Akehurst
Nathan Akehurst  /  5 Comments

The recent article entitled ‘Controlling immigration is patronising and dangerous’ is, frankly, patronising and dangerous.

I suspect the author is right about class prejudice being bound into the immigration debate. No doubt there are plenty of middle-class liberals in Islington who look to Essex and shudder. But the reason such attitudes are patronising is not that ‘concerns about immigration should be listened to.’ The problem is the underlying assumption of a mass White Working Class existing and being concerned only  with bloody foreigners. You can’t reason with this class, such poisonous logic goes, because it’s not rational. It just hovers around Clacton Pier like a giant racist Kraken that can be appeased with a souvenir racist mug to have its good ol’ British builders’ cuppa in.

‘It’s not racist to talk about immigration’, says everyone. No, but a lot of those that do are racist. Attitudes towards immigration from English-speaking/’white’ countries are positive, yet negative for Asia and Africa. Whilst a majority oppose free movement of EU citizens to Britain, we don’t want to give up our free movement.

When Farage mentioned immigrants with HIV during the leaders’ debates, it seems pretty apparent that he knew the message he was communicating was not just that immigration costs the NHS money, but that immigrants spread disease. The mug was a similar dog whistle - a vapid slogan that the right people - xenophobes - were intended to hear. Coding and implication is real and dangerous.

The assumption that dismissing immigration is ‘classist’ utterly erases working class migrants. (‘Classism’ is an awful word. It implies that class differences are fine in the same way as cultural, sexuality and gender identity difference are, provided no one discriminates.) It also erases how ‘classist’ the discourse on immigration is - recently it was claimed for the umpteenth time that there were scary Muslim no-go zones in working class Whitechapel. Meanwhile the Islamic State of Qatar bought out Canary Wharf (with its private security force) at £2.5bn. Ukip’s silence was deafening. You can just about get away with being foreign as long as you’re not poor.


“Respect” - Ed Miliband

To turn to the much maligned ‘white working class’ – it doesn’t exist. Sure, there are working class people who are white. Many of them, for different reasons, would say they are ‘concerned about immigration.’ But the notion of a homogenous post-industrial working-class with an identity politics of whiteness based on mild xenophobia and unquestioning patriotism is nonsense that shouldn’t be given credence. It’s an abstract academic concept dreamed up in those ivory towers Ukip press release writers so hate.

If you knock on a door and someone tells you they are concerned about immigration, there are different things it could mean. One is ‘I am a racist.’ Others usually include ‘I’m concerned about overpopulation’, ‘I’ve heard that others get preferential treatment’, ‘I think there will be pressure on wages/housing/public services if immigration increases.’ Some of those viewpoints are more reasonable than others. All deserve to be challenged.

There’s a thirty  page briefing paper that tells Labour canvassers to ignore immigration and change the subject if anyone raises it. They’re not free to say ‘I know you’re concerned about jobs and services, but public services aren’t static. What we need to do is invest in social housing, hospitals and education and enforce a raised minimum wage properly to ensure that no one is undercut. If you’re still concerned about housing, let’s talk about how we’d do it. If you just don’t like foreigners, you’re a racist and I don’t want your vote.’ (There was a Labour candidate who actually did the latter in Rochester in 2001.) But Labour leaders are more interested in playing on the same policy field as the Tories - cuts must be made, immigration must be controlled, but Labour will be nicer about it.

It’s tactically bankrupt as well as ethically so. If I think immigration is a top issue and a Labour canvasser agrees, then my response will go something like, ‘See, even Labour know it’s a problem, but they don’t have the guts to be as tough as necessary, so I’m still voting Ukip.’

On one hand Labour embraced tolerance and muticulturalism. They have Chuka Umunna, David Lammy and Sadiq Khan- if you’re brown and toe the party line, you can be in the Shadow Cabinet! And, as Farage et al won’t stop reminding us, they were the government of the day when the A8 countries entered the EU and immigration rose.

Yet, the last Labour government was a government of racism. This was the party whose former Immigration Minister was barred from office in 2010 for smearing his opponent in a campaign intended to ‘get the white vote angry.

This was the party that launched two major wars in the Middle East, that presided over brutal immigration detention centres and over a London where you were 26 times more likely to get stop and searched if you were young and black . The party that stoked fears about migrants, gypsies, Muslims and so on, whilst talking the talk of multiculturalism.


‘Let me take a selfie’

So when it comes to immigration, it’s not sure what to say. There are liberal multiculturalists, working-class internationalists, neo-imperialists and reactionaries bundled into the same party. The internal debate is unresolved, so the best they can do is call Ukip racist whilst putting out a mug and promise to deny immigrants benefits for two years.

It is impossible to fight prejudice by appealing to it. We stop patronising the working class by remembering that the working class isn’t all white, and those that are  white have intellects which  will not be mollified by Ed Miliband telling us he feels ‘respect’ whenever a white van passes. If we want to treat even those who disagree with us on immigration with respect and dignity, we need to be challenging their opinions, not throwing them a few scraps and covering up differences in the hope that they’ll vote the way we want them to.

  • David

    I think the academics you complain about are quite aware that the working class isn’t all white - that is, after all, why the so-called ‘myth’ they’ve created is specifically about the *white* working class. I think your definition of racism is retrograde and ridiculous - are you really saying that only people who explicitly ‘don’t like foreign people’, or who think to themselves ‘I am racist’, hold racist attitudes? I suppose all those people who think that the woman’s place is in the home or who believe that men have it harder than women aren’t being sexist because they ‘don’t hate women’? If someone believes any old rubbish they hear about immigrants without question - e.g. that they get so-called preferential treatment to the detriment of the dear old white working class, or that most of them are just here for the benefits - then they are clearly being influenced by racist beliefs. It does not mean everyone who thinks such things are Nazis, or that they are as bad as the people who want ever man, woman and child whose skin is a shade below ikea white to be flogged and deported, but still.

    You are right in as much that not every white working class person holds racist attitudes - obviously - but how anyone with any serious experience of living with or in a working class community could think this isn’t an issue which particular affects this ‘class’ is beyond me. I am literally surrounded by people - family, neighbours - who hold obviously racist attitudes. I even know white working class people who think they are liberal and claim to despise UKIP and its racism, and even they believe British culture has been destroyed by foreign religions and believe the majority of immigrants come here for the benefits and other ridiculous racist tropes. Just to repeat the point again - yes they don’t hate people because they are brown and they don’t think it’s intrinsically a terrible for thing for someone to emigrate to this country, but they still believe ridiculous racist myths about immigrants.

    So to be a bit more positive, no, not many white work class people hate people just because they have a different colour skin, but many of them do hold messed up attitudes and buy into racist myths without much thought. This is a different kind of racism, and perhaps one for which they are less personally culpable for, but still one that needs to be challenged. So please don’t waste time pretending this isn’t an issue that affects the working class - believe me it is! - and actually challenge it.

  • Classy Geezer

    “The assumption that dismissing immigration is ‘classist’ utterly erases working class migrants. (‘Classism’ is an awful word. It implies that class differences are fine in the same way as cultural, sexuality and gender identity difference are, provided no one discriminates.) It also erases how ‘classist’ the discourse on immigration is…”

    This is pretty confused isn’t it? How does ‘classism’ imply class differences are fine “as long as no one discriminates”? “Classism” is the f**kin discrimination! Without the discrimination there is no “classism”. Would you say that “racism” is fine as long as no one discriminates? No. You wouldn’t. It’d be ridiculous. The discrimination is the racism.

    You seem to think that “classism” is simply a descriptive concept…perhaps acknowledging that there exist economic disparities and huge imbalances in terms of social capital, educational provision and political representation. If, and I say if, this were the case then why would you say classism “erases working class migrants”? Surely your non discriminatory classism could simply include migrant workers within its delineation of the working class?

    You then go on to say:”To turn to the much maligned ‘white working class’ – it doesn’t exist.”
    Now other than how you turn to something which doesn’t exist-do you go clockwise or anticlockwise?- I’m immediately set to wondering who is writing this comment? I assumed it was me. I’m white and working class after all and had assumed that I had things in common with other white working class people such that we constituted a recognisable demographic. But you’ve denied me this right. (Which, tbf, is just about as classist as you can get. Even the racists I come across don’t go as far as to try to deny the existence people of colour other than as individuated entities.)

    Now when I saw you’d denied the existence of a WWC, I thought you’d gone a bit far. But I’d seen nothing yet had I? Then we came to this…”the notion of a homogenous post-industrial working-class with an identity politics of whiteness based on mild xenophobia and unquestioning patriotism is nonsense that shouldn’t be given credence.”

    Now it all becomes clear! For a WWC to exist, it naturally has to be xenophobic and patriotic. How f**king stupid I am. Why did I ever think that I could claim membership of a group whose characteristics hadn’t already been defined according to the rules of hyper cliched Guardianista prejudices? But hang on…there is no such group? Such a group is nonsense, you say?

    So I can be WWC, after all? Well…no. Because there are people of colour who are WC too. So I can be WC but not WWC because the WWC is a) xenophobic and patriotic b) non existent. It all becomes clear!

    Does this apply to the middle class too I wonder? I don’t really. A quick glance at say, the weekend Guardian tells me all about what the BAME or the White middle class are up to and what they’re thinking and where they’re going on holiday etc. Now this strikes me as somewhat unfair. I’m almost tempted to claim the WMC doesn’t exist since they’re not a homogenous block who all eat f**kin tofu and spend their weekends knitting liberationist mittens and ponchos for CAGE to send to Guantanamo. But I’m not going to.

    And do you know why I’m not going to?
    Because it would be f**king Classist…if there were such a thing. There isn’t.
    Classism isn’t a thing. It’s a stupid cop out. It started cropping up in its present incarnation fairly recently once it was pointed out to advocates of identity politics and intersectionalism-who tended to attend elite universities and tried to claim the mantle of Left- that they didn’t actually seem to have economic inequality or any sort of class based analysis on their radar. Now rather than actually having a rethink, what did they do? Easy: whenever they were throwing around their hysterical accusations of misogyny, racism, transphobia, whorephobia, GreggsCheesePastiephobia or whatever, they just stuck “classist” in the mix. Simple. Job done. Now they were down with proles. Proper revolutionaries.

    You’re right. “Classism” is an awful word. It was invented by classists to try to hide their classism.

  • James Heartfield

    Given that 85 per cent of the UK population is white, it seems likely that most working class people are white, too. But you are right that ‘the notion of a homogenous post-industrial working-class with an identity politics of whiteness based on mild xenophobia and unquestioning patriotism is nonsense that shouldn’t be given credence’.
    Most polling says that people are a lot less racist than they used to be. Still, I don’t suppose anyone would like being told that their being English was some kind of a problem, or that driving a white van, or supporting England was a sign of being scumbags.

    • Swede Levov

      “Still, I don’t suppose anyone would like being told that their being English was some kind of a problem, or that driving a white van, or supporting England was a sign of being scumbags.”

      My word. That’s an astounding insight. But I don’t think you’ve much to worry about. The sort of person who’d make the automatic association between owning a van, supporting their national team and being a scumbag wouldn’t have the nerve to actually voice their opinions to the objects of their contempt. They’d Share knowing looks With their friends, maybe sound off at a dinner party or make a few snide little comments on CIF.

      I know this to be true. I’ve got a white(ish) van, a staffie, 42″ widescreen and a dazzling line of tracksuit tops. I get some truly wonderful reactions on the days I drop the kids off at school. i always make a point of talking to the ‘nice’ mums; ask them if they saw the half price offer on Stella at Morrison’s or if they’re interested in a used MacBook. The best though was last week when I stuck a Class War poster on the van. I thought they’d be relieved I wasn’t UKIP but I might as well have sauntered up humming the Horst Wessel Lied with a swastika tattoo on my face.

      Why am I telling you this? Because as bad and up themselves as this lot are, they haven’t got a patch on most of the bloody students I come across.

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