
Will a North London Jew ever run the country?

Ben Collins
Ben Collins  /  10 Comments

Ed Miliband may well have been the victim of several implicitly anti-Semitic attacks, but when a friend asked whether a North London Jew (a category into which I fall) could ever become Prime Minister, I was taken aback. The insinuation here was that THAT had been what was keeping Miliband out of Downing Street - it clearly had nothing to …


The Greens are making local government glamorous

Nathan Akehurst
Nathan Akehurst  /  Leave a Comment

In the age of political disillusionment not many of us know who our MP is, let alone who our councillor is.  An enduring image of councils as little more than parking wardens and rubbish collectors percolates the public mindset. We forget that local government means schools, social care, youth services, libraries, jobs… or at least it did, until the current …